"Painting is actually a kind of strategic planning...
an artistic check with myself. Each brushstroke leads to different results.
It's exciting. My studio and the paintings in it change every day."


Always curious, always expressive.

Magdaléna Ševčík is a professional abstract painter. She is one of the most prominent representatives of young Czech abstract painting and has exhibited her work in Czechia, Germany, Slovakia, the Netherlands, the UK and Japan.She is interested in the topic of the human mind and its representations through perception, which she interprets and explores in large scale paintings and playful installations.Her compositions examine hidden possibilities, and extensions or flaws of the human brain, in memory, self-control and regulation, entanglement, and a higher self. Ševčík uses acrylic paints, always choosing a specific set of colors, she explores how they mix and blend, how they express what can’t be expressed by words or other actions. Her visual language is expressive and symbolic. The fluid background tells a story and speaks of strong moments and experiences. It follows a certain topic in a free and flowing manner. Her work is subjective and raw. On the other hand, the foreground introduces a certain rationality with its simple forms, sharp lines and ellipses. Without them the artwork is incomplete. They either support and amplify what’s happening in the background or negate it completely.



Magdaléna Ševčík is a name you will hear again. Explore her work and artistic process and discover that art is a great way to live. Her paintings and limited edition prints, which she has exhibited in Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Slovakia, to name a few, suit any style of space. Whether you're looking for a heartwarming piece for your living room or a tranquil oasis in your bedroom, her paintings are just the thing.Read more about the artist's story and her relationship with collectors in an interview on Czechdesign.cz

works directly from my studio

"I can only shop through the gallery." Wrong.

You have refined taste. If your home is missing something unique and "special " that will take your stylish interior to a new level, unique abstract paintings are always a great choice. They will elevate your home to absolute perfection. When it comes to stylish, luxurious interiors, they are the icing on the cake.In addition, with a work of my art you are buying a part of the artist's story, a lifetime, an inspiration captured on canvas. No two works in the world are the same. When you buy directly from the artist's studio, you become a valuable and valued patron.

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